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With the increasing demand for data and the onslaught of disruptive technologies, integrators are now more essential than ever to industrial organizations as they navigate this uncharted territory.
Inductive Automation recently sent a survey to a pool of 9,000 integrators to better understand their evolving role in the industry. Now, the results are in and they contain valuable insights that every integrator should hear.
In this webinar, Don Pearson, chief strategy officer for Inductive Automation, will lead an expert panel of integration professionals to discuss integrators’ current and upcoming challenges, as well as potential solutions. He will be joined by Dee Brown, PE, principal of Brown Engineers, LLC; Kyle Chase, systems integrator and CTO for Kymera Systems; J.C. Harrison, systems engineering manager for Roeslein & Associates, Inc.; and Pete Larochelle, director of informatics for NeoMatrix.
In this free webinar, you'll learn:
• The current challenges facing the controls industry
• How current technologies are affecting integrators and their projects
• Which technologies integrators see impacting the controls industry
• How integrators can prepare for the future
• And more
You won’t want to miss this webinar. Register now and get the white paper for free.
Integrator Evolution
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
9:00-10:00 AM PDT | 16:00-17:00 GMT